was designed for spectral observations of faint objects at the Cassegrain
focus (F/8) of the telescope ZEISS-2000. It has a modular design which allows quick
transformation from its echelle to prism mode. Thus the spectrometer
has wide range of resolutions from 100 to 15000 and spectral range
3700 - 8000 Å
collimator is a parabolic mirror with diameter of 75 mm and focal length 600 mm;
specially made (with central hole) echelle grating with 75 gr mm-1 and 63.° 5 blaze angle;
diffraction grating with 600 gr mm-1 and 8° blaze angle;
diffraction grating with 300 gr mm-1 and 4° blaze angle;
diffraction grating with 300 gr mm-1 and 6° blaze angle;
diffraction grating with 200 gr mm-1 and 28° blaze angle;
a 45° crown prism;
camera Schmidth-Cassegrain with F=150 mm;
lens camera with the F=180 mm;
Wright Instruments CCD, 1242x1152 with 22.5 mk pixel;
Wright Instruments CCD (back-illuminated), 1252x1152 with 22.5 mk pixel.