Publications in which observations at Terskol observatory were used.


1. K. Jockers, T. Credner, T. Bonev, N. Kiselev, P. Korsun, I. Kulik, V. Rosenbush, A. Andrienko, N. Karpov, A. Sergeev and V. Tarady "Exploration of the Solar system with the Two-Channel focal reducer at the 2-m RCC telescope of Pik Terskol Observatory", In Proc. International Conf. UKRASTRO-2000.

2. Jockers K., Bonev T., Korsun P., Karpov N., Sergeev A., Tarady V. "Water production of comets derived from observations of [OI] ( 6300 A) and H2O+ ( 6150 A): Comets C/1998 U5 ( Linear) and C/2000 J3 ( Linear)", In Proc. International Conf. UKRASTRO-2000.

3. Kulik I., Jockers K., Karpov N., Sergeev A. "Near–infrared photometric observations of the inner Jovian satellites", In Proc. International Conf. UKRASTRO-2000.

4. L.V.Rykhlova, M.A. Smirnov, G.T. Bologova, V.K.Tarady, A.V.Sergeev, N.V.Karpov, I.Kulik "The First Results of the Observations of the Kuiper Belt asteroids at Terskol Observatory" In Proc. International Conf. UKRASTRO-2000.